La chica de Mendiburo A subtle introduction to literature in a captivating story of a bright girl, Maria Fernanda, who lives in Mendiburo (a fictitious town that could belong in any Latin American country.)

Like a true reflection of life itself, this is a literary piece with much humor and wise and ingenious characters. These characters take over our hearts, filling them with marvelous happenings where the reader is totally submerged from morning until nighttime.

The novel is divided into three sections: Morning, Afternoon, and Night. The time element is magical.

Adalucia's simple, yet fun and colloquial style makes this book an essential tool, helpful to students in Spanish classes. And these stories will surely please native speakers, as well.

Like watching through an open window, the story that unfolds, gives us a clear picture of life in Latin America. Readers of all ages will enjoy the unforgettable fragments of this novela, whose images will remain in our hearts forever.

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girl illustration from La Chica de Mendiburo

"Cuando niña yo vivía
En un jardín encantado:
Era grande como el universo,
¿O es que era el universo entero
Todo mi jardín?"
María Fernanda en La chica de Mendiburo

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