Winner of Gold at the 2023 International Latino Book Awards in 2 categories!

- Most Inspirational Young Adult Book - 1st PLACE (Gold!)
Insights from the ILBA judges, 'This book was amazing! It fts the category so well. Young adults will be able to hopefully see themselves in the main character.'

‑ Best Young Adult Latino Focused Book - 1st PLACE (Gold!)
Insights from the ILBA judges: 'This book can be related to as many children of immigrants are told to go to school and get better jobs.'

micaela la novela prize image
micaela la novela book image

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Product Details

Paperback: 342 pages 152mm x 228mm (6in x 9in)
ISBN 978-84-18311-99-4
Authentic Spanish Literature
Reading Level: Young Adult/College
Recommended also for Dual Language Programs in Middle School and High School AP
Publisher: Lantia Publishing: Mr. Momo; Sevilla, Spain
To order
- a single copy: Search "La hija de la lavandera" on Amazon or
- a classroom set: contact the publisher's Sales Department at +34 95 43 24 594 (departmento de ventas)
For more information from the publisher click here.